Friday, March 23, 2018

Hero Forge

Long time no post! Quite a bit has happened since my last post. The blue Imperial Knight won the award for best painted Sci-Fi vehicle at our local IPMS (Intl Plastic Modeler's Society). A Commisar I painted came in 2nd for figures. Also, took home the prize for the Inner Circle for Best Painted Army and such at the Warhammer store. Also ended up among the top 15 graded nationally, by GW US.

Anyway, this is a plug for Hero Forge. The site allows for you to create your own miniature throughout various themes and races. The site will let you arm and dress your figure accordingly. My favorite part is the ability to decide on the pose of your figure. You could make a standing figure and a 'dead' version should you choose!

I created an Elven Rogue for my wife, and a Tiefling Warlock for me. Each was armed and dressed by me with cloaks, pouches, etc. The site even allows for facial expressions. In addition you can choose body type, such as barrel chested, height, etc. Once you have finalized the figure, you can then decide a material based on your usage.

The material choices are important. The cheapest one is a plastic similar to Reaper Bones, a flexible plastic yet durable with decent details. The next step up is a hard black plastic with higher details, but the is a bit more brittle. Finally you can get them in metals too, steel or bronze, with a final choice of .stl file to print yourself.

All of these characters are 3-D printed! That is the best thing. Allowing for innumerable variations! I will say, some poses will make plate armor seem too flexible with certain poses, or other items disappear or meld into the figure. I will accept that with ability to create my own mini!

Below are some before and after pics of the figures after painting them. The details come through with the printing. I would place them at about the same level as the new Nolzur's Miniatures, that I love, simply for the variety and cost. But they are not at the same tier as a GW piece. Again, you create the individual piece! Which you cannot do with a GW model.

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